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The Speakers & Panelists
Wednesday, 28th February 2018
7:30 am-8:00am - Registration
8:00-8:15 - Jennifer McDonald
PSOJ CEO / Greetings
8:15-8:45 - Ross Sheil
Sheil Consulting / “Hi!” Because being social is good for business.
8:45-9:30 - Mervyn Eyre
Fujitsu Caribbean / Digital transformation being applied across the Caribbean.
9:30-10:15 - Conley Salmon
Jamaica Broilers / Mobile loyalty and rewards
10:15-10:45 - Coffee break
10:45-11:30 - Donnette Hines
National Baking Company / How to recover from social media mistakes.
11:30-12:15 - Panel: Ingrid Riley, SiliconCaribe (Host); Deika Morrison, Moonstone Blue; Terri Karelle-Reid, The Gleaner Company; Kemal Brown, Digita Global and Andre Wedderburn, Trend Media Group
Agencies and brands – best practices to get results.
12:15-13:15 - Lunch break
13:15-14:00 - Keynote: Dr. Kingsley Chin
KICVentures / Fueling healthcare sector growth and investment opportunities through social media.
14:00-14:45 - David Godsall
Hootsuite / How the world’s top brands prove the ROI of social marketing.
14:45-15:30 - Raymond Buckle
Silverstone Solutions / Mobile & social data-driven approach transforming business
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